Stock Artwork and Trademarks

We have an extensive library of stock artwork and trademarks available at no charge. When ordering, call for availability.

Custom Artwork and Logos

If you request use of your own artwork or logo, please send camera-ready art to size, or good quality, reproducible black and white copy to size. Photocopies, faxes, business cards and newsprint are not acceptable as artwork.

Electronic Artwork

We accept artwork on diskette, CD or Zip cartridge created using PC or Macintosh versions of the following programs:
Quark, Pagemaker, Illustrator, Freehand or Photoshop. Artwork may be sent as application files, .eps files, .tiff files, or "print optimized" PDF's. Electronic artwork files must include all screen and printer fonts used as well as .eps or .tiff images. Artwork for custom images should be supplied as CMYK rather than RGB for truer color accuracy. A color printout must be included with all electronic artwork.

Emailing Artwork

Email artwork must be identified with your company name, address, phone and fax numbers, your purchase order number and the imprint name. All files must be compressed to ensure their integrity during email. PC files must be compressed using WinZip; Macintosh files using Alladin's Stuffit. All other requirements for electronic artwork as listed above apply. A corresponding purchase order and a printout of your artwork must be mailed or faxed to the factory for your order to be entered and to verify your artwork's appearance.

Custom Layout Design and Typesetting

We can design and typeset your layout for you at a charge of $25.00 per 1/2 hour.

Art Touch-Up

Minor touch-up of your logo and type (up to 1/4 hour) is provided free of charge. Additional touch-up time is charged at $25.00 per 1/2 hour.


Faxes may be sent for copy and for layout, but not as artwork. Please be sure your copy is clear when faxing. On all orders, please submit typewritten copy and ordering information.


Photos may be included on FlipOut Wallet Cards or Flip Business Cards at an additional charge of $50.00. Please supply a 300dpi jpeg, tiff or pdf file (to size). Or supply us an actual photo (as large as possible).


Note: Proofs are generally not necessary if the copy supplied is typed or written clearly. No proofs will be sent unless specifically requested. The charge per proof is $12.00 for Flip Products. Contact factory for a price regarding proofs for 3-D products.

Changes or Corrections

Any change after the proof stage requires additional art and preparation which will be billed at cost, minimum charge $30.00. Furthermore, changes will delay shipping. There can be no further changes once a job has been plated and is press-ready.